2023: Manhattan Voted Integral Yoga Institute Best Yoga Studio!
Integral Yoga Institute
227 W 13th St
(212) 243-2642 – iyiny.org
With a packed schedule of various yoga and meditation offerings, it’s no wonder Manhattanites voted Integral Yoga Institute as the best yoga studio in the city. Those who want to delve deeper in their yoga or meditation practice have many options of classes to choose from, including reiki, sound healing, and yin yoga. Integral Yoga Institute offers both in-person workshops and online courses. It is also a top yoga school in the area, offering yoga teacher training and reiki healer training. Clients can also go here for yoga therapy and discover their spirituality with trained professionals. For all things yoga and meditation, there’s no doubting Integral Yoga Institute is New York City’s finest.
2022: Manhattan Voted AtthenaYoga Developed Healing Best Yoga Studio!
AtthenaYoga Developed Healing
43 W. 46th Street, 3rd Floor
(856) 840-9436 – atthenayoga.com
Take a yoga class and heal (physically and mentally) with the best yoga instructor in the city at AtthenaYoga Developed Healing. Everyone of all ages can benefit from yoga, and Atthena, the woman behind this extraordinary business, helps physical ailments as well as more subtle conditions, such as debilitating migraines and digestive disorders with the natural yoga process. “It sounds unbelievable, I know. I’m in awe too and am sometimes surprised at what this energy can heal and how quickly it does – including when I heal remotely,” she says. “The results speak for themselves. People come to me when they want transformative results, naturally and as quickly as possible.” Book a session in person or online now!
2021: Manhattan Voted Integral Yoga Institute Best Yoga Studio!
Integral Yoga Institute
227 W 13th St
(212) 243-2642 – www.iyiny.org
Find your inner zen and escape the stress of everyday life at one of New York’s most respected and beloved yoga centers in the city, Integral Yoga Institute (IYI). Whether you’re an advanced yoga student or simply looking to ease into the practice, IYI offers a plethora of classes for different skill levels along with courses and workshops in meditation, breathing practices, health and nutrition. IYI’s goal is for all people to have an easeful body, a peaceful mind and a useful life. The studio also offers classes on using yoga to deal with life-threatening and chronic health conditions, proving yoga is for everyone in every setting of life.
2020: Manhattan Voted Yoga to the People Best Yoga Studio!
Yoga to the People
1017 6th Ave 3rd & 4th Fl
(917) 573-9642 – www.theyogapeople.com
Take a yoga class and de-stress (physically and mentally) at the best yoga studio in the city, Yoga to the People. The center welcomes everyone to its classes that are fun and challenging enough for all, yet not too extreme and therefore accessible to everyone. The ages of students range from about 5 to 80 years old. The center offers 60-minute yoga classes such as Power Vinyasa Flow linking body, breathe and movement; Traditional Hot Yoga where classes are done in a heated room of 105 to 108 degrees; and Hot Vinyasa where classes are done in a heated room of about 100 degrees.